Mar. 15, 2014

providing intel...

As the world continues to evolve in this age of information and technology, one has to wonder, when is there too much information made available ?  If I were the leader of a nefarious organization, American and British spy/thriller novels would be required reading and tuning into cable and satellite news networks, required television.  Recent discussions on the news channels have included NSA leaks and ways to gather information, "...9 hubs of the U.S. electrical grid" that could plunge the country into darkness, how fires in the western U.S. could stretch our emergency services, taking them away from other disasters that could occur, "...a young person with 20 lbs of expolsives could disrupt the natural gas lines in the Ukraine affecting much of europe..", and recently every concievable way to interfere with, monitor or track a commercial airliner. Has anyone considered that the situation with that missing 777 several years ago just might have been an "intelligence" gathering mission designed to see how long it would take and by what methods different countries would cooperate to solve the mystery as well as exactly what the capabilities of each country really are ? No need to use spies as pressure from competing countries for world stature is all that is needed to force revelation of "secrets" used to gather information. Experts gather and describe in detail all the subtle nuances of the flight deck environment, where to access data on flight simulation systems, and how to disable flight data processing systems. Information overload and competition among 24 hour news channels to have the latest 'breaking news', no matter how tivial or inappropriate the release, is a problem we will continue to face in the near future and become even more of a problem as private conversations are released to the public to the point that everyone will become paranoid about anything they say. It's little wonder that the anonymity of facebook and other social media has become the standard for making outlandish claims. Get enough people to agree and suddenly it becomes 'fact'.  In the "Art of War", the Chinese military genius Sun Tzu teaches us to "know your enemy". Our information age has taken this to a new level with us as the teachers !  The war on terror in the minds of most Americans is like any other war with a finite time frame.  The Islamic view of any war is measured in 100's of years and always requires "blood for blood"...forever ! Our free information overload is the opposite of the limited and selected information allowed in socialist, communist, or Islamist controlled countries. The end result may not be to our liking.  The motto of the British SAS is "Who dares, wins".  Our enemies dare, will they win  ?